• Achive, Order, Audit Services
  • Consultancy, Accounting, Sworn Tax Accounting
  • Tax Legislation, Saving, Experience


Corporate Income Tax Complıance Servıces

This service aims to find out whether the statutory tax requirements are complied with, thus avoid tax risk in a possible tax audit. The service includes the review of the account, preparation of management report for our findings and certification of the yearly corporate income tax return. Our service will be completed by the submission of our compliance (certification) report to the client’s tax office.

The subjects and documents reviewed/certified by the Sworn Tax Advisors are regarded those have been audited by the tax and other related authorities.

VAT Refund Revıew

The VAT which has not been recovered because of tax exempt sales may be refunded to tax payer if, a related report of sworn tax advisor is submitted. We could prepare this report after review of the related accounts.

Tax Deductıon, Exemptıon, Holıdays and Incentıves

The enjoyment of some tax deduction, exemption, holidays and incentives depend on the related report of sworn tax advisor. We could prepare the required certification report. Some of these services are as follows:

Investment Deduction

Special Consumption Tax Refund Certification

VAT exemption for

Tax holiday provided for underdeveloped regions

R&D incentives

Inflation Accounting or Revaluation of Fixed Assets

Other Tax Complıance Servıces

Some of the other compliance services are as follows:

Certification of Paid-in capital

Certification Availability of Internal Fund for the Increase of Share Capital

Compliance Services concerning Bank Loans

Compliance Services concerning Financial Statements and Sales

Compliance Services concerning Payment Social Security Taxes

Fiscal Valuation of Inventory


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